How to Use Statistical Symbol in your Thesis?

statistical symbols
The Thesis and dissertation writing require sufficient data skills to use any software and perform statistical symbol analysis. The statistical analysis provides the basis for testing the hypothesis and acceptance and rejection of theories and answers the required research questions and hypothesis in the research. There are various tools used for statistical analysis including Excel sheets for descriptive analysis, correlation, and regression analysis. The other software tools for quantitative data analysis include SPSS (Software package for social sciences) used in social sciences research for primary data analysis, which is collected based on survey questionnaires by using any scale and close-ended questions. The other software tool is E-views which is used for secondary times series and panel data analysis used for econometric modeling and advanced quantitative analysis.

Symbols and abbreviations in thesis

The symbols are used for the representation of data sets and various types of statistical symbol analysis are used with symbols and designs. The Quantitative analysis in the thesis is performed based on cross-sectional and panel data. The data collected from primary sources are based on sample and for analysis of sample data confidence interval approach is used, normally Researchers use a 95% confidence interval and a 5% margin of error for cross-sectional data. The time series and panel data are also collected based on time limitations and available sources.

The list of symbols normally used in statistical analysis is:

  • μ – Meu- represent the means value of sample
  • σ – sigma – represent the standard deviation in the sample
  • Σ – Sum- represent the symbol of summation
  • p – significance value or probability value
  • α -alpha- represent the value of constant in the research
  • β – Beta- represent he co-efficient of change of variations.
  • – Error- represent the value of residuals and error term
  • Π- Pie= 3.22, a constant value of change
There are various symbols, and many other symbols used in statistical analysis and qualitative data analysis while writing the dissertation and thesis.

Where to put symbols in thesis

The symbols are used in quantitative research to represent the data, sample, significance, and various values like means, mode, and median used in descriptive statistics. The other statistical symbol used in the thesis are the correlation values like P<0.05, t statistics value should be t>+1.96, for confidence intervals. These all symbols must be present at the start of the thesis in preliminary pages including a title page, declaration page, list of tables, list of figures then a list of symbols used in the thesis. There are symbols used in quantitative data analysis thesis and thesis of economies and finance. The mentioned symbols in the thesis must be added to one list represented at the beginning of the thesis so that the reader may have a clear idea about the use of symbols in the thesis and know the meaning of the symbol in the thesis.

Use of symbols using latex

There are various approaches to used to represent the symbols in the thesis includes the alpha (α), beta (β), symbols are used to in various approaches and various ways by using math type, by using insert symbols or by using latex commands to enter in the document. The latex commands include. \chapter*{List of Symbols} – list of symbols shown in research \begin{description} \item[$\mu$] – µ means symbol is shown Mean \item[$\sigma$] Standard deviation – Ω sigma is represented

Internal keywords

Dissertation writing services

The thesis and dissertation writing complete knowledge and understanding of research and research analysis and require dissertation writing services. The dissertation not only requires the theoretical understanding but also information and skills of use of software to perform the quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The thesis writing includes the various formats of reports based on various approaches includes the quantitative research, primary and secondary and qualitative research based on primary and secondary, the researcher is adapting the approaches based on topic of research, requirements and area of investigation.

Online dissertation and proposal writing

The proposal is an initial document, like a synopsis which provides the basic view and understanding of the topic, research method, online dissertation proposal writing UK and data collection procedure. The research proposal provides the knowledge of the background of the research, research purpose, research questions, research literature, methodology of collecting and analysis of data along with research time and resources used for conducting research.

Dissertation abstract examples

A dissertation abstract examples is the executive summary of all chapters and components of research. The research abstract provides the idea of what is included in research what are the basics of research and what method the researcher used to conduct research and what are the core findings and discussion from the research.


This blog post provides an understanding of the use of statistical data and symbols in the thesis and dissertation along with how symbols are represented and in which section of the thesis they need to be mentioned. The research thesis is the complete dissertation report that has many components and chapters that have been discussed and based on quantitative data collected statistical analysis is performed in the research which provides the basis for acceptance and rejection of the hypothesis in the research.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the symbol of thesis?

There is no specific symbol or universal symbol of thesis that represents a thesis, as these vary widely across disciplines. However, some commonly used symbols in academic writing are based on various statistical techniques, and normally in thesis values of descriptive analysis and specific tests like t test z tests various symbols are used for hypothesis testing.

What is the statistical symbol for significance?

The symbols of significance value are (p), probability value, or significance value, based on a 95% confidence interval and 5% margin of error, the symbol is used for analysis and represents the concept of significant value based on the results of statistical data.

What are the components of a thesis?

The research thesis is conducted based on chapters/components includes

Introduction – this chapter includes the research background, research problem, research purpose and objectives of the study, and significance of the research.

Literature Review- chapters elaborate on the research done by other writers on selected topics and areas of investigation.

Research Methodology – Chapters elaborate on the philosophy of conducting research and methods of data collection and data analysis to answer research questions.

Findings and Analysis- The chapter elaborates on the results based on data collected.

Discussion- describes the research questions and hypothesis based on collected data and analysis.

Conclusion- These chapters conclude the research findings and analysis based on research objectives explain the implications of research and identify the areas of further research

Are thesis symbols necessary

Yes, Symbols are necessary to present in the Research thesis, the thesis provides the reader a better understanding of the project and provides the understanding of the use of statistical data and which symbols represent what type of data.